Welcome to the New Axial Vision website. In this site we outline a new vision of ourselves and the world that focuses on the promotion of personal and social eudaimonia (flourishing) and transformation. This vision is based on an integration of the wisdom of the Axial Age, the findings of modern science, the insights of 21st century integrative philosophy and the interventions of modern therapy and psychotherapy.

By upgrading the original core insights of the Axial Age into Being and human being with the new cosmology elaborated by science together with developments within fields like neuroscience, psychotherapy and integrative philosophy, it aims to provide an Axial 2.0 theory and practice appropriate for the 21st century.

We offer a number of Axial 2.0 courses that are based around a comprehensive Foundational Programme that combines a philosophical and therapeutic approach. They are designed to help develop a new relation with ourselves, with others and with the world. The course-workshop we are offering at the moment – Who am I? Embarking on the path towards Self – looks at ways in which we can open up to a life that is increasingly led from our essential nature, or Self – the Self that the axial wisdom traditions, contemporary integrative philosophy and recent psychotherapy all point to. All our courses aim at helping us:


gain greater self-understanding and awareness

heal our personal history and cultivate well-being

understand our false self (ego), evolving self and deep Self (soul)

contact our deep self and so access its qualities and healing capacities

gain a big picture vision of our place in the cosmos

begin to shift our identity from ego to Self (or soul)

greatly improve our relations with others


Please contact us if you are interested in our courses or in receiving periodic information about our activities.

Thank you.