From the perspective of systemic family constellations, the person who ‘constellates’ is accompanied so that they may revisit their origins in order to gain an understanding and healing perspective on their family that re-establishes order within the family system and strengthens the family ties. Out of this reconciliation with our roots flows the strength that enables us to face what life has in store for us. We discover that our life is a homage to all those that have come before us, to all our ancestors that suffered and experienced joy before us so that we could be here today. Our well-being and inner peace are their triumph and the guarantee that their tribulations were not in vain.
The work of CFS is not a therapeutic process; it is a concrete and one-time work that can be done in an individual format – through two or three sessions – or in a group. However, working on one’s own constellation can, sometimes, open up a process that is aimed at facilitating the assimilation and integration of that which emerges in a constellation, or that enables the closure of a process that is already ongoing, or that opens up those processes that appear blocked, where the client and/or their therapist feel unable to move forward.
Watch here for an interview with Bert Hellinger, the founding developer of systemic family constellations, explaining the process.