This website is centered around a new axial vision, a new vision of ourselves and the world forged from an integration of the best of the Axial Age, the contemplative core of the axial religions, the findings of modern science and a synthesis of the strengths of the three most comprehensive integrative philosophies or metatheories available today: complex thought, integral theory and critical realism /metarealism. This vision is described in much greater detail in the book Towards a New Axial Vision. It also focuses on a more practical application of this vision, which is aided by the incorporation of modern therapy and psychotherapy and embodied in our Foundational Programme, Axial 2.0: From Ego to Soul. This programme and project emerged out of the personal, academic and professional experience of its founders, Paul Marshall, PhD and Montserrat Voltes.


Dr Paul Marshall


Paul Marshall New Axial Vision

This website focuses on the promotion of eudaimonia (or flourishing), both personal and social, something I have been interested in since I was an adolescent. I first focused on the social dimension, in my teens and twenties, and then shifted focus to the personal dimension, in my thirties and forties. This was followed by a process of integrating both personal and social eudaimonia, one that gradually matured over the five years of my PhD and eventually coalesced into the formulation of a new axial vision.

In the first phase, I studied Political Science (at Newcastle University, UK) and embraced a form of democratic and libertarian socialism, writing my first published article on Noam Chomsky’s Anarchism. During this phase I also moved to Catalonia, where I have earned my living primarily as a language teacher (in several universities: Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, and Vic), translator (Barcelona Olympics, Expo ’92, TV3, etc.) and freelance academic translator / editor.

In the second phase, I began a process of ‘looking within and beyond’ that involved the search for a more spiritual understanding of the world and a process of psychological exploration and emotional cleansing. This led me to taking up a meditation practice, undergoing a therapeutic process, returning to academia in order to take a Master’s degree in Applied Positive Psychology, and immersing myself in integral theory, the first integrative philosophy and metatheory that informs a new axial vision.

In the final integrative phase, I took a Phd in philosophy at University College London, Institute of Education, under the supervision of Professor Roy Bhaskar, the founder and chief architect of the second integrative philosophy / metatheory that informs a new axial vision: Critical realism and the philosophy of metaReality. I very soon came across complex thought, the third integrative philosophy / metatheory, and later proposed a synthesis of all three philosophies in what I called a complex integral realism. I then used this as the philosophical/ metatheoretical framework on which to build a new axial vision, integrating it with the best of the Axial Age, the best of the contemplative core of the axial religions, and the best of (post) modernity. My book Towards a New Axial Vision, an extended version of my PhD thesis, outlines this vision. For other related publications click here.

Having elaborated the theoretical underpinnings of a new axial vision, I began to place my focus more fully on practice. The Axial Age saw philosophy as a ‘way of life’, and insisted on the need for theory-practice coherence and balance, something the three integrative philosophies also highlight. This led to the design of our Foundational Programme, Axial 2.0: From Ego to Soul, which places a special emphasis on experiential practice, combining both a philosophical and therapeutic approach. Its essential goal is to open a process whereby our identity begins to shift from the ego to our deeper self or soul (our true nature), a shift we consider crucial if humanity is to overcome the multiple crises it is currently faced with.

For a breakdown of relevant qualifications and training, click here.


Montse Voltes Ibáñez


Montse Voltes Axial 2.0.

Literature. I spent my childhood and adolescence reading; literature was a wonderful companion.

Languages. When I was very young I needed to expand and broaden my horizons. I studied English, German and Italian. I travelled and discovered different people and ways of living. It was a rich and somewhat chaotic period.

Work. I combined work with my studies in Hispanic (later German) philology at Barcelona University. I carried out my work and gave the best of me. The energy and effort I made at work meant there was less available for my studies, which remained unfinished.

Denial of suffering. More travels. Professional achievements and job change, marriage, divorce, new friends …

Crash. Despite appearances, I lacked direction and meaning in life. I built up the courage to begin a therapeutic process and began to feel. I met my partner.

Peace. To feel, become aware, trust and integrate. I opened up to reality and embraced my hurts, which brought understanding and compassion to what I had gone through and experienced in my life.

The turning point. With the impact of my therapeutic process, I began to consider a change of profession, accompanying others in the integration of their suffering and in the transition from the falsehood of neurosis to the embrace of a more authentic reality.

Professional Training: Following my impulse, I began training in Gestalt Therapy in 1998, at the Institut Gestalt, Barcelona, which constitutes the core of my work. In 1999 I discovered Systemic Family Constellations (SFC), Bert Hellinger’s model, which was an extraordinary and significant experience for me. I also took the ‘protoanalysis’ course in the Enneagram and the formation of structures of character and personality, which complements and refines my therapeutic work. During this period I was also trained in Group Dynamics at Aula de Gestalt in Barcelona. Immediately afterwards, in my search for a deeper knowledge of other models, I trained in the Intervention in Conflict within Couples at the Kine Family Therapy Centre in Barcelona. Since at this time there was no was no training in SFC, I participated in numerous workshops with Joan Garriga, Stephan Hausner, Marianne Franke, Ilse Geschwend, Peter Bourquin and Bert hellinger, until I was able to train in 2007 with Peter Bourquin. I still attend SFC workshops, which are always a source of inspiration. I am currently undergoing training in Nonviolent Communication at the Instituto de Comunicación Noviolenta, Madrid and Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy, IFS Hispánia, Barcelona.

As a therapist, I do not separate my work from my own personal process. Throughout these years I have received therapy both in individual and group formats, and also supervision. Although this does not in itself constitute training, it is the experience that has best prepared me to perform my task as therapist.

Professional reorientation. My own resources, my training and my experience allow me to accompany others that feel the desire and strength to begin to love their own life story and find their own resources in order to be at peace with all their voices and attuned with life.

In 2017 I founded Gestalt Batec, in Barcleona, where I attend to adults and couples, lead groups in systemic family constellations and personal growth for the cultivation of Self and human quality.

Click here for CV, and here for publications.


Click here to read about our mission and our vision.